
Showing posts from August, 2018

Leadership and the Five Cs

As a Pastor and Leader, I am constantly asked, “How do we help our church grow?”  I was having a conversation with a fellow Pastor recently, and we were talking this through, and, for me, in the crazy way that I think, it fleshed out in five words that I will address in the coming weeks in his blog.  The five words, all starting with the letter “c”, are what I feel, biblically, that we have to engage, if we are praying for God to grow our church.  At the very onset, we have to agree that it is God who brings the harvest, God who brings the fruit, as we remain in Him and He remains in us.  I realize I am probably preaching to the choir, but that has to be the foundation stone everything else is set upon.  Our own efforts will fail, and unless the Lord builds our house, we labor in vain. The first “c” is Context .  From a cross-cultural point of perspective, even though we may speak they same language and have many things in common, there are always distinctive cultural differences in

What is Leading and Sharing?

A crucial part of leading is reflecting - looking back down the hill, if you will.  As I reflect on ministry over the past 25 years, I am overwhelmingly convinced that leadership that is done in a vacuum is useless.  As Pastor Greg Laurie says, “Spiritual growth that has no outlet quickly becomes stagnant and dead.”  A crucial part of our discipleship is having an outlet, otherwise we are like someone who has lots of food, but has no plan for exercise and activity.  They become lethargic and tired and have no desire to serve, just to be served.  As Jesus followers, we have to be balanced in how we do discipleship, both as individuals and as a part of body life.  That’s where Leading and Sharing comes in. Leading and Sharing is a discipleship blog that has as its only purpose to encourage and provide guidance that leads to Jesus followers seeing their discipleship efforts having an element of outside engagement.  I can say that, for some of us, we do not need another Bible study or an